Typical Network Setup

1. Overview

The NNIONGIN supports flexible network setup for different environments. This section describes the typical network topology. The network setup includes:

  • WAN Port Internet Mode

  • WiFi Client Mode

  • WiFi AP Mode

2. Use a WAN port to access the Internet

By default, the NNIONGIN is set to use the WAN port to connect to an upstream network. When you connect the NNIONGIN's WAN port to an upstream router, NNIONGIN will get an IP address from the router and have Internet access via the upstream router. The network status can be checked in the home page:

3. Access the Internet as a WiFi Client

In the WiFi Client Mode, NNIONGIN acts as a WiFi client and gets DHCP from an upstream router via WiFi.

The settings for WiFi Client are under page System--> WiFi --> WiFi WAN Client Settings

Enable WiFi WAN Client. In the WiFi Survey Choose the WiFi AP, input the Passphrase, and click Save & Apply to connect.

4. Check Internet connection

On the home page, we can check the Internet connection.

Last updated