Nitro Bot Army Whitelist

1. What is Nitro NFT Whitelist?

Nitro NFT Whitelist is a process of shortlisting wallet addresses with priority access to an NFT collection before making it available to the general public. Please note: Following all the steps will just qualify you to be eligible to win a whitelist spot, it's not a guarantee. A Whitelist spot will be given after validating your entries and activities.

2. Why should I whitelist for Nitro NFT?

With Nitro NFT whitelisting, you will get an NFT at 0.05 ETH

3. By when do I have to whitelist?

Whitelisting will start from 10, Feb'23 ( 10:00 AM UTC) and will be active till 17, Feb'23 (10:00 PM UTC). Early whitelisting is suggested as the shortlist will happen based on First Come, First Serve (FCFS) basis

4. When will the whitelist process end?

It will end on 17, Feb'23 (10:00 PM UTC)

5. What is the timesheet for the Whitelist process?

Whitelist InformationDate

Whitelist starts

10th Feb 2023

Whitelist Closes

17th Feb 2023

Release first list of whitelist (WL) spot winner with pay option

18th Feb 2023

Close pay option for 1st set of whitelist winner

22nd Feb 2023

Release second list of winner

23rd Feb 2023

Close pay option for 2nd set of whitelist winner

25th Feb 2023

Minting for whitelists

27th Feb 2023

Return money to non-WL

27th Feb 2023

6. How to get a whitelist spot?

Complete the whitelist process by doing all the cool tasks

7. What is the selection process?

People who come first and complete all the optional and mandatory tasks of whitelisting successfully will have a high chance of getting a whitelist spot.

8. If I don't pay 0.01 ETH USDT, is there any chance of getting a whitelist spot?

You may get, chances are less. Paying 0.01 ETH is optional. However, people who pay will be given priority and have a high chance of winning a WL spot

9. Can I apply for more whitelist spots?

Yes, You will have to pay 0.01 ETH x no. of WL spot you want to apply for. Pay in multiples of 0.01 ETH. For example- if you want to apply for 3 whitelist spots, 0.03 ETH in total. Any partial payment will lead to disqualification.

10. How many whitelist spots are there in total?


11. Let's say I paid 0.01 ETH but didn't get the WL spot, then when will I get my money back?

You will get it on 27th Feb in the same wallet address from which you have paid. Please note that you will get 0.01 ETH irrespective of market volatility and price,. For further timeline requirements, please check visit question 5.

12. In case I win the whitelist spot, In how many days do I have to pay?

1st set of winners will be released on 18 Feb and the payment option will be enabled till 22nd Feb. You will get 5 Days to pay and own your NFT

13. In case, I don't pay within the mentioned timeline, what will happen to my spot and money?

You will lose your spot and your spot will be given to the next eligible whitelisted in the second list. Your money will be returned.

14. Will there be two lists of Whitelist spot winners?

If the Whitelist spot winner from the first list doesn't complete their payment within the given timeline, their spot will be made available for the next set of eligible whitelists.

15. Where can I read more about Nitro Network?

Please visit our website:

16. I have performed all the tasks, what else can I do to increase my chance of getting a whitelist spot?

Refer the whitelist to your friends and onboard them. The more you refer, the more points your earn and get closer to winning a whitelist spot.

Last updated